Tag Archives: state EITC
The Earned Income Tax Credit helps to keep poverty levels low by putting more of the taxpayers’ money back into their hands. Lower income residents in Connecticut should be aware that the state offers their own version of an EITC, which is modeled after the structure of the federal credit. Connecticut taxpayers must meet the […]
— Read moreTwenty-five states and the District of Columbia offer resident taxpayers a state version of the federal earned income tax credit (EITC). Indiana is amongst the states who seek to reduce poverty through a tax credit that puts money back into their taxpayers’ pocket. Indiana’s EITC eligibility follows older federal guidelines, that don’t account for recent […]
— Read moreThe Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is one of the tax benefits available to taxpayers throughout the year to help keep their money in their own hands, and also reduce poverty levels. Along with the federal EITC, twenty five states (and the District of Columbia) offer a version of their own EITC, including Illinois. Residents […]
— Read moreAt tax time, any way that one can put more money back into their own pocket is a welcome relief. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), does just that for working families with low incomes. Based off the federal government’s version, the state of Massachusetts offers their own version of the credit for state residents. […]
— Read moreIn Michigan, working families with low incomes may qualify for a state version of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Like the federal version, Michigan’s credit is offered to those with certain incomes to help encourage families to continue to work despite low wages and to keep those who do above the poverty line. Michigan’s […]
— Read moreThe federal government offers an Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) to working families in an effort to combat poverty and help Americans retain a little extra of their hard-earned money. For lower income families, the EITC can be a big help at tax time, as it can keep taxpayers above the poverty line. Many states […]
— Read moreTwenty-five states and the District of Columbia have enacted their own state version of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Maine is among those who model their state credit after the federal version, in terms of eligibility requirements. Taxpayers can determine their eligibility for the Maine state EITC the same as they do for the […]
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