Tag Archives: qualifying widow

If you’ve lost your spouse, you may qualify for a special tax filing status. The qualifying widow(er) status can be used by taxpayers when filing a tax return after their spouse has died. There are some additional requirements that must be met as follows: When you file a return for the year your spouse dies, […]
— Read moreWhen you file your tax return, ensuring you used the right filing status can make a big difference to your wallet. Depending on which status you use, you’ll be eligible for different credits and deductions, and how much of them you are entitled to. There are five filing statuses, and each one affects your tax […]
— Read moreKnowing which filing status you should choose is the first step in completing your tax return. Your status can affect different areas of your return, including taxation rates, requirements for filing, different credits, and which standard deduction you are eligible for. Your filing status is dependent on whether you are married or not. If you […]
— Read moreThere are five different filing statuses which you can use when completing your tax return. Each status qualifies you for different deductions and credits, so choosing the correct one is extremely important. Single Taxpayers who are unmarried, or considered unmarried for the entirety of the tax year are eligible to file under the single status. […]
— Read moreDid you know the IRS allows a tax break for those taxpayers whose spouse has died in the last tax year? These taxpayers can file using qualifying widow(er) with qualifying child filing status. If you have lost your spouse this past tax year, here are some things you’ll need to know about this special filing […]
— Read moreYou are eligible to file your tax return using the qualifying widow(er) status for 2014, provided your spouse died in either 2012 or 2013. This status offers the same tax rates as if you were filing a joint return, though on an individual tax return. There are three additional rules that you are required to […]
— Read moreHow you file your taxes is typically determined by your marital status at the end of the year, and whether or not you have dependents who rely on you to provide housing. There are five separate statuses that you can use to file a tax return: single, married filing jointly, married filing separately, head of […]
— Read moreThere are five different filing statuses that you can use when completing your tax return. The requirements are different for each, and your ability to claim certain deductions changes with each one, so you need to examine each option carefully.
— Read moreThe benefits available to you at tax time, as well as tax rates and deduction amounts are dependent upon the filing status you choose. Your filing status is determined by your marital situation on the final day of the year, and whether or not you have any dependents.
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