Tag Archives: married filing separately

Married Filing Separately (MFS)) does not regard two spouses as unmarried single taxpayers. Married couples filing separately are prohibited from claiming some tax benefits by law. They include the education credits for American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning, the childcare credit for children and dependents, and the student loan interest deduction. The amount of Social Security […]
— Read moreThe wedding bells have rung, the rings exchanged, and now its tax season. So what exactly does that mean for you, a recently married taxpayer? First, you need to know how to file your return. You can use either married filing separately or married filing jointly, the latter which generally provides the lowest tax rate. […]
— Read moreUsing the status married, filing separately on a tax return is appropriate for couples who want to keep all of their financial records separate, including their income and expenses. However, if you chose to file separate tax returns, you may not miss out on important deductions and credits that are only available to married couples […]
— Read moreOnce you get divorced, your taxes will change dramatically, as well as which status you use and the credits you are eligible for. If you are used to filing Head of Household status, a divorce can alter your eligibility to use that status to file at tax time. Head of Household status generally has a […]
— Read moreMarried couples may find it easier to file one single joint tax return, especially if one spouse is responsible for a majority of the couple’s income. In cases where both spouses earn income, the option to file separately may be more beneficial in regards to providing a lower tax liability. However, couples should always figure […]
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