Tag Archives: dependent care

In order to get a little extra cash back this tax season, consider the benefits you can claim as dependents for children or adult relatives. For each dependent you claim that you qualify, you may be eligible for an additional tax credit that can reduce your tax liability and save you money depending on the […]
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Dependents are an important part of the tax filing process. Understanding who qualifies as a dependent is essential, as two tax incentives – the Earned Income Tax Credit and Head of Household filing status -require taxpayers to have one or more dependents. In most cases, dependents are the taxpayer’s child, as they rely on the […]
— Read morePaying for someone else to look after your child while you work can get costly. Thankfully, there’s a tax credit that can help you recover some of those costs. The Child and Dependent Care Credit can be claimed by taxpayers who paid a caretaker as responsible for their child under the age of 13, or […]
— Read moreAre you a parent? It’s important to understand how support you provide to your children can alter your tax liability, and which types of support you can get credit for. Child Credit For each child under the age of 17 that you claim on your tax return, your taxable income is reduced by $1,000. The […]
— Read moreHaving a baby means eighteen plus years of expenses related to the care of that child as they grow and develop. The IRS offers a tax credit for parents who have had a baby during the tax year. This credit is worth $1,000 per child, as long as your income is less than $110,000 (joint […]
— Read moreFiling your tax return doesn’t have to be stressful. Many people worry about making a mistake when filing, and surprisingly, mistakes do happen. It’s not the end of your tax world. It does mean that the IRS may take longer in processing your return, leading to a delay in your refund. Mistakes are less common […]
— Read moreYou may be eligible for a tax credit if you are responsible for expenses related to the care of a child under the age of 13, or a dependent or spouse who is mentally or physically unable to care for themselves. This tax credit is for any costs you incur in relation to their care […]
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