You shouldn’t have to spend money to make money. However, sometimes you need to purchase items say you can perform your job more effectively. There are different types of work-related expenses such as extra uniforms, electronic gadgets, special tools, and other supplies. While you may be shelling out a lot of cash for these expenses, […]
— Read moreThe cost of special tools or equipment for work can be expensive. Thankfully, the IRS allows you to deduct these expenses in most cases. The government considers these deductions to be ordinary and necessary for your job. The term “ordinary” refers to any expenses that are commonly accepted in your trade or industry. The term […]
— Read moreTechnology is all around us. More and more people are using mobile devices and electronic gadgets at work to improve productivity. Because we are connected just about anywhere anymore, workers are no longer bound to an office or stationed at a desk. Instead, many employees can work basically wherever they want. In order to be […]
— Read moreMany industries require their employees to wear certain work clothes or uniforms. As long as you can’t wear these clothes every day as street wear, and donning the uniforms is mandatory at your place of employment, you’ll likely be able to deduct the cost of these work clothes on your tax return. In order to […]
— Read moreAre you on the hunt? Looking for that perfect new job? While it may not seem too costly to perform a full on job search, little and the expenses can really add up over time. When you combine postage, cost of printing your resume, travel, and work samples you can really have a hefty expense. […]
— Read moreUsing your personal car for business can take a toll on your vehicle. If the situation, you may qualify to deduct any expenses incurred from using your car for work. At tax time, you have the option of two methods to figure out what part of your expense is deductible. You can use either the […]
— Read moreRelocating for a new job position is becoming more common than ever. At tax time, you may be able to deduct any costs you incur from moving, or lease a significant portion of them, from your taxable income. Moving expenses have to be related to a new job in order to qualify for a tax […]
— Read moreIn case you needed another reason to lose weight, you may find a tax deduction this season if you use certain treatment options to lose weight. It’s statistically proven that individuals are five times more likely to lose weight if they have something to gain from it financially. In order to claim a deduction, the […]
— Read moreAre you anticipating your refund? We all like a little cash back in our pockets, as more money leaves than comes in. Waiting for your tax refund can be excruciating when you desperately need the cash. At tax time, put your money back in your pocket quicker using these tips: File As Soon As Possible […]
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